Advice and Guidance for Consumers

What does it mean if an activity provider holds Adventuremark?

All providers who hold Adventuremark will have undergone an inspection to confirm that their operating arrangements meet the AAIAC Provider Accreditation standards.
Adventuremark provides huge benefits for customers, families, groups and the providers themselves. Using accredited providers will help people to plan more effectively adventure activity experiences that meet their needs using a system of robust accreditation which benchmarks them against standards applied throughout the U.K.   It will avoid the need to seek additional reassurance.

Meeting customer needs

Adventuremark provides for the first time a national non-statutory safety accreditation scheme for all “scheme” or individual providers of adventurous activities. Widespread consultation with those involved revealed the need for a common scheme which could provide an assurance as to the safety of the experiences on offer. Adventuremark complements AALA Licensing which covers a limited, range of higher risk activities.

For Users, Adventuremark provides an assurance that a provider:

  • offers activities at an appropriate level;
  • takes account of the needs of users;
  • has had their safety management arrangements inspected;
  • complies with key core criteria for safe activity delivery

For Providers Adventuremark will:

  • accredit the safetyof their provision;
  • provide a marketing opportunity;
  • better enable ‘fast tracking’ for client approval;
  • improve consistency in provision; and
  • provide a useful development tool to raise standards further and the adoption of “best practice”.

The Adventuremark scheme will help promote the valuable adventure opportunities available and the confidence of potential customers in what is offered by providers. Local Authorities, other employers, the education workforce, parents and young people and the public in general will be able to recognise and have confidence in the Adventuremark and its accredited providers.